Snow in France

2012, 31 January. How everything in life is changeable. In the morning it was snowing. And all our blossoms covered with white dressed. Tiny crocuses folded their petals and staunchly opposed to bad weather.

As if they were not care that the temperature dropped to minus marking.

Oh, there's someone we can learn to withstand the blows of fate ..

 Did you said that the Daphnia capricious? It does not.

And our garden slowly fills with snow.

The next morning everything started to melt. Crocuses heroically withstood the cold night and not even bent.

It seems that somehow freshened.

Is it quite possible that they crying? Frozen droplets on the petals.

The snow melted around the crocuses, like its warm heated the earth.

 There are huge piles of snow for a day...

Wow, what are tracks in the snow? It is very big so that can be of the cat ... Maybe Hound of the Baskervilles settled in our garden?

Brought firewood from the shed.

I flooded the fireplace. Our house is warm and cozy. And the cold is not terrible.

Our cat Blackie drop in. She is intelligent, it is no coincidence she is French. She does not go to room , only at the door, not too much asking food and love prefers my cooking. Blackie called it. Let her live with us!

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Trevor Wilson (Wednesday, 01 February 2012 08:23)

    Spellbinding photos which show the resilience of the gorgeous crocuses and the courage of the wood bringer.If only the lovely delicate daphne bushes have survived!!
    The cat is lovely and looks quite serene and comfortableIt takes atrue loving spirit to bring a cat out of the cold.A truly lovely photographic essay.I would be very happy if my comments were to be published