Pearl in Painting

 A string of pearl necklace is always a never-fading favorite of female.The Pearl was portrayed in painting.


The Girl with a Pearl Earring, an absolute masterpiece of Vermeer's artistic maturity of of European easel painting. Jan or Johannes Vermeer a Dutch Baroque genre painter who lived and worked in Delft. He created some of the most exquisite paintings in Western art. Painted in 1665, The Girl with the Pearl Earring is by far the most famous and advertised works. The picture possess wealth of colour and uses a pearl earring for a focal point.

Johannes Vermeer. The Girl with the Pearl Earring
Johannes Vermeer. The Girl with the Pearl Earring

A particularly noticeable feature of Vermeer's painting is the large, tear-shaped pearl hanging from the girl's ear; part of it has a golden sheen, and it stands out from the part of the neck which is in shadow. The pearl, too, is very special, consisting of little more than two brushstrokes: a bright accent at its upper left and the soft reflection of the white collar on its underside.


In his Introduction to the Devout Life (1608), which was published in a Dutch translation in 1616, the mystic Saint Francis De Sales (1567-1622) wrote: "Both now and in the past it has been customary for women to hang pearls from their ears; as Pliny observed, they gain pleasure from the sensation of the swinging pearls touching them. But I know that God's friend, Isaac, sent earrings to chaste Rebecca as a first token of his love. This leads me to think that this jewel has a spiritual meaning, namely that the first part of the body that a man wants, and which a woman must loyally protect, is the ear; no word or sound should enter it other than the sweet sound of chaste words, which are the oriental pearls of the gospel."

From this it is clear that the pearl in Vermeer's painting is a symbol of chastity. The oriental aspect, which is mentioned in the above extract, is further emphasized by the turban. Pearl were significant for Jan and it signify purity of girl.

Rosalba Carriera (October 7, 1675 – April 15, 1757) was a Venetian Rococo painter. In her younger years, she specialized in portrait miniatures. She later became known for her pastel work, a medium appealing to Rococo styles for its soft edges and flattering surfaces.

Rosalba Giovanna Carriera. Caterina Sagredo Barbarigo as Berenice
Rosalba Giovanna Carriera. Caterina Sagredo Barbarigo as Berenice
Rosalba Carriera. Portrait by Caterina Sagredo Barbarigo,
Rosalba Carriera. Portrait by Caterina Sagredo Barbarigo,

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    Juicers Reviews (Thursday, 11 April 2013 05:27)

    This is a great post! Thank you for sharing!