Fantasy Fairy Artist Josephine Wall

Josephine Wall is an English born artist. Josephine Wall has been passionate about art since she was four years old. Now a respected artist, Josephine paints with a lively imagination and romanticism that escort her audience into a world of magical dimension. With hidden images and great detail, each painting reveals worlds within worlds which transport the viewer to places of ethereal beauty.

She specializes in mystical, surreal-like, fantasy paintings. She often strives to impart a message in her scenes, she also hopes to inspire in her audience, a personal journey into the magical world of their own imagination. Enchanting and detailed images cascade freely from her fertile imagination in an endless flow of ideas.

Jo Wall mostly works with acrylic paint, which allows her to paint quickly and to create many textured and colorful effects. She has been influenced and inspired by the illustrative talents of Arthur Rackham, the surrealism of artists such as Magritte and the romanticism of the pre-Raphaelittes. This combined with her own imaginative ideas, has led to a wide and varied range of work.

Josephine's inspiration for her mystical images comes from her close observation of nature and her interest in its preservation. Though she often strives to impart a message in her scenes, she also hopes to inspire her audience to take a personal journey into the magical world of their own imagination. Josephine lives in a cottage in Poole, England, where she has created over four-hundred magnificant paintings to delight worldwide collectors.

Bygone Summers
Bygone Summers
Caught by a Sunbeam
Caught by a Sunbeam
Prelude to a Kiss
Prelude to a Kiss
Lady Galadriel
Lady Galadriel
Where Moonbeams Fall
Where Moonbeams Fall
Enchanted Flute
Enchanted Flute
Dryad and the Tree Spirit
Dryad and the Tree Spirit
Nature Boy
Nature Boy
Alternative Reality
Alternative Reality
Up and Away3
Up and Away3
Child of the Universe
Child of the Universe
Cosmic Kiss
Cosmic Kiss

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    Masticating Juicer (Thursday, 11 April 2013 01:53)

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