Английская грамматика


Английская грамматика в отличии от русской включает в себя  фиксированный порядок слов английского предложения (подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение — все слова должны стоять на своих местах) и большое количество временнЫх конструкций.



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Английская грамматика
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Образование глаголов в английском языке


В следующей таблице приведены положительные, отрицательные и вопросительные формы всех времен на английском языке с кратким описанием принципа использования.

Verb Formation - Grammar for English ESL TEFL EFL and ESOL Learners

The following chart shows the positive, negative and interrogative (question) forms of all the principle tenses in English with a brief description of the principle usage. Please note that for a better understanding of the tense forms you should follow the links to pages focusing on the specific tense. This chart is principally for comparison purposes.

Simple Present I play tennis on Mondays. They don't (do not) work in New York. Does she know him? Habitual activities - States More
Simple Past She went to Paris last week. They didn't (did not) drive to work. Where did she get that hat? Actions happening at a defined moment in the past. More
Simple Future I'll (will) meet you at the airport tomorrow. He won't (will not) be able to come. Will they visit us soon? Decisions made at the moment about the future, future predictions, future promises More
Present Continuous He's (is) working at the moment. They aren't (are not) coming this evening. What are you doing? Actions happening at the present moment. Near future intention and scheduling. More
Past Continuous I was watching TV when you called. He wasn't (was not) working when she arrived. What were you doing when I called? Interrupted past action, action happening at a specific moment in time in the past.
Future Continuous I'll (will) be cooking dinner when you arrive. They won't (will not) be living in Paris this time next year. What will you be doing next week at this time? Future action at a specific moment in the future. More
Future with Going to He's (is) going to fly to Boston next week. They're (are) not going to invite the Browns. Where are you going to stay? Future intent or planned action More
Present Perfect I've (have) seen Mick three times this week. She hasn't (has not) been to New York. How long have you worked at Smith's? 1)To express an action that was begun in the past and continues into the present. 2) To express an action that happened in the UNspecified past. 3) To express a recent action that has a present effect. More
Past Perfect I'd (had) already eaten before they came. She hadn't (had not) been to Rome before that trip. Had you ever seen such a crazy lady before that? To express an action that happens before another action in the past.
Future Perfect We'll (will) have lived here for twenty years by 2005. She won't (will not) have finished her homework by the time we arrive. How long will you have lived in France by the end of next year? To express what will have happened or how long something will have happened up to a certain point in the future. More
Present Perfect Continuous She's (has) been waiting for over three hours. They haven't (have not) been studying for long. How long have you been working on that problem? To express the duration of a continuous activity begun in the past and continuing into the present. More
Past Perfect Continuous She'd (had) been waiting for three hours when he finally arrived. I hadn't (had not) been sleeping for long when I heard the doorbell ring. How long had you been playing tennis when she arrived? To express the duration of a continuous activity begun before another activity in the past. More
Future Perfect Continuous He'll (will) have been sleeping for a few hours by the time we arrive. She won't (will not) have been working for long by 5 o'clock. How long will you have been driving by 6 o'clock? To express the duration of an activity up to a point of time in the future. More

Continue Intermediate English Course Unit 1 Reviewing your English, Important Learning Basics, Reviewing Numbers

Руководство по прошлому, настоящему и будущему (past, present and future) спряжению глаголов  для начинающих


Этот ресурс включают в себя пояснения и примеры для каждого времени в английском языке.


Будущее на английском языке может быть довольно запутанным. Есть две формы будущего, используемых в большинстве разговоров: будущее  «будет» и будущее "собирается". Основное различие между этими двумя формами в том, что «собирается» используется для планов и намерений, сделанные до момента разговора.  «Будет» говорит о будущем в момент разговора.

Прочитайте примеры будущего времени с «будет». Обратите внимание, что будущее используется для событии в будущем, что вы только что решили сделать, для предсказаний и обещаний.


I think I'll go to that party next week.
The economy will get better soon.
Yes, I will marry you.

Будущее с Going to:


Будущее с «собирается» используется для выражения событий, которые уже планируются в будущем, и ваши намерения на будущее. Иногда мы также используем настоящее непрерывное (the present continuous) для запланированного события в ближайшем будущем.


She's going to attend university and study to become a doctor.
We're going to make the presentation next week.

Будущее Future with Will Structure:


Subject + will + verb

I, You, He, She, We, They will come to the party.


Subject + will + not (won't) + verb

I, You, He, She, We, They won't have time tomorrow.


Question word + will + subject + verb

What will he, she, you, we, they do?

Future with Going to Structure:


Subject + to be + going to + verb

I am going to attend the meeting.
He, She is going to attend the meeting.
You, We, They are going to attend the meeting.


Subject + to be + not + going to + verb

I'm not going to visit Rome next year.
He, She isn't going to visit Rome next year.
You, We, They aren't going to visit Rome next year.


(Question word) + to be + subject + going to + verb

Where am I going to stay?
Where is she, he going to stay?
Where are you, we, they going to stay?

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